Afterwards, the boys & I stopped for some chocolat chaud & back to the apartment to pick up the rest of the crew to head to say au revoir to the Day family as well. They were taking the chunnel on Friday afternoon over to London & we wanted to spend an hour with them on Rue Cler.
Here they are heading to their apartment agency to store their luggage prior to their train departure.
At a cafe on Rue Cler for chocolat chaud & cappuccinos, while Lori &
I went to a wonderful epicurie store around the corner.
The crew walking down Rue Cler
They were going one way on a metro line & we were going the opposite direction. Here they are coming into the metro to wait for the train.
Our kids were smashed up against the glass of the metro saying goodbye to their friends.
Au Revoir Day Family.
Chris surprised Rebekah last night with a night out to the Palias Garnier Opera House to see a ballet performance by William Forsythe & Trisha Brown. Here they are all dressed up for their night out on the town.
Check back here for some videos & more photos - Chris got some on his phone!! What a special special night!
A bit of trivia for any readers out there: Anyone know what famous Broadway musical was centered around this specific opera house that Chris & Rebekah went to last night. Check out their website for more details of where they were & a video of the performance.
The boys, Halle & I stayed at the apartment for a movie night, met the landlord for a repair in our kitchen & began the process of packing things up. We move Sunday to a hotel for our last 3 nights.
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